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Men Growing in Christ through Education and Fellowship

     Established in 1997, Catholic Men for Jesus Christ recognizes that true happiness can only be found in Jesus. It further recognizes that we are not meant to answer his call to “follow me” alone. CMJC strives to bring men together to build each other up, support one another, and challenge one another on our spiritual journeys to become the men that we are created and called to be.
     Living your daily life as a Catholic man is increasingly countercultural. Ever greater demands are competing for our time, our talent, and our treasure. We are offered models of living by contemporary society which glorify the individual’s desires for things and encourage us to ask “What’s in it for me?” and “If it feels good, do it.” Ignored are the costs that embracing such tenets of living have on our relationships with our family, our friends, our community and—most importantly—with our God.


     We work to support men in their efforts to live full Christian lives and spread the gospel by promoting events and ministries that educate and provide opportunities for fellowship.

One of the best ways to grow in the love of our God is through the fellowship and learning that comes from ongoing participation in formal Men's Ministry.

Most typically groups of men will gather regularly in a parish setting to study, to learn and, perhaps most importantly, to share thoughts in group discussion.
Click the image to find links to a series of materials that have proven useful to men's groups. Simply click on the name of each program and you will be guided to their website for more information!

Group of People Holding Cross and Praying in Back Lit.jpg

We hold Evenings of Reflections at various locations throughout the Diocese. Our Evenings of Reflection offer the men of our Diocese the opportunity to worship, share fellowship and hear an inspiring word during the middle of the week.


A typical evening begins with Mass at our host parish. We then serve a casual dinner which gives us a chance to share a meal with our brothers in Christ. Following dinner, we welcome a speaker or a panel of speakers to bring attendees an inspirational message. After our message, we break into small groups for a period of discussion and reflection.


Click the image to see information about our next

Evening of Reflection. 

Click the image for daily prayer suggestions, book recommendations, courses on Catholicism, and links to blogs and tools to help you grow in your faith.


Click the image for weekly Mass Prep Guides. These guides come equipped with (i) the next Sunday's readings (ii) a Study Guide with explanations and questions for further thought and (iii) a Reflection on the readings.


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Matthew 18:20

"Whenever two or three of you come together in my name, I am there with you."

Your donations help!

Your tax-deductible financial support will help Catholic Men for Jesus of Florida continue its important work in calling the men of Florida to spread the Gospel.  Our Annual Men's Day, our Evenings of Reflection and our support of Men's Ministry will all benefit from your help!

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